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Video Game Giant Activision Blizzard Settles On $18 Million To Victims Of Sexual Harassment And Discrimination

Emanuel Shirazi

Activision Blizzard, a video game company giant, has agreed to settle a workplace discrimination lawsuit filed by the EEOC. The company will pay $18 Million and individuals who were employed after September 2016 that have a harassment, discrimination, or retaliation claim will be eligible at a piece of the settlement.

The EEOC filed the discrimination lawsuit after a three-year investigation initiated by several harassment, discrimination, and retaliation complaints by Activision employees. It found that the company failed to take corrective and preventative measures on sexual misconduct complaints.

The DFEH alleged that Blizzard Entertainment had a pervasive “frat boy” culture where employees, under management’s instruction, would drunkenly go around the workplace harassing and groping female employees. On top of the rampant pay discrimination, victims of such harassment were punished when they spoke up against the unwanted behavior.

Throughout the investigations it was uncovered that Bobby Kotick, Activision Blizzard CEO, knew for years about the sexual harassment complaints, including alleged rapes, but did not inform the board of directors, even after investigations began in 2018. It wasn’t until September 2021, when he was subpoenaed that the reports of misconduct were disclosed. Afterwards, Activision issued a press release in which they stated that they continue to quickly work at addressing and resolving workplace issues.

Several employees filed sexual harassment lawsuits against Activision. These employees describe a culture of sexual harassment and assault at the company. One current employee disclosed that she was subjected to frequent sexual advances, and another employee was subjected to sexual harassment, battery, and assault by management. When employees spoke up or tried to speak up, they were reprimanded, ridiculed, threatened with retaliation or told that human resources was not going to help. These victims demand from Blizzard an increased settlement amount in excess of $100M as an acceptable apology for the damage endured.

Más información Ley de acoso sexual / ¿Cómo denunciar el acoso sexual en el trabajo?

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